Part 17 – Vladimir Esperovitch Serebriakoff.

Vladimir, the first son of Esper was born in Geneva in 1888. He was brought up partly in Paris and partly in London attending university in London. He stayed behind in England when Esper and the rest of the family moved to Finland in about 1905/6.  This is quite fortunate, it is more than likely that a fate similar to his brothers would have awaited him in Russia.

Vladimir never took British citizenship. He apparently carried papers signed by the prime minister granting him permission to reside in Britain. He married Ethel Graham in March 1912 and their first child Victor was born later that year.  At that time they were living at an address in Camberwell South London.

They had a further 6 children, though one, Dora, died within a year of her birth. The other children were, Katherine 1914 – 1966, Mavis born in France 1919 – 2010, Dorothy 1923 – 2006, John 1926 – 1980, Dora September 1928 – March 1929, Barbara 1930 – 2008.

Victor had two children, Mavis also had two children, Dorothy had ten children and John had two children. Those children have now had children and there are over 40 descendants of Vladimir who have spread to many different countries, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Japan.

It is too hard to resist the obvious conclusion about systems of government and individual’s wellbeing, the very system that was supposed to promote the wellbeing of the individual does not appear to have succeeded.